Monday, December 13, 2010

Filing Bugs in Bugzilla

Hi friends,
I Recently tested TS_65_Appisupport_Sanity Test specifications for netbeans 7.0 beta version. While performing these test cases, I encountered few bugs. So inorder to report these bugs to the netbeans developers, we need to enter these bugs to the bugzilla.

Following steps can be taken to report a bug :
  • Login to netbeans site.
  • Go to Enter bug page.
  • Click on appropriate module. For example, since I am testing for api support, i will click on apisupport  link. 
  • Select the appropriate component from the component list. Component specify a NetBeans module in which the error occurred.

  • Then select the version of the netbeans in which bug occurred.
  • Then select the platform and OS.
  • Select the priority of the bug. If u are not sure of the priority of the bug, then select P3.
  • The CC option is optional which is a space-separated list of login names who are notified about subsequent changes of an issue.
  • In summary field, just enter the brief title which shortly describes the type of bug. The summary should be 1 line title and not more than that.
  • Now Enter description of the bug. Description is a detailed description of the problem. The description should possibly include all information needed to reproduce the problem
  •  If you have taken any snap shot of the bug or have log files of the bug, then click on "Add an attachment" button.
  •  browse for the attachment file, enter its brief description and then provide the type of the attachment by selecting one of the 3 radio buttons. If the attachment is Image/ HTML / XML / Binary file then select on "select from list : " radio button and from the combo box, select an appropriate type of attachment.
  •   Click on Commit when done.  :)
Bugs Filed By me :

Useful Tips for Reporting a bug :
  • Always take a snapshot of the bug which may act as a proof of the bug and attach the snap shot while reporting a bug.
  • Mention the link of the test cases : The link of the test cases you followed.
  • Mention the build number of the netbeans IDE.
  • Add [70CAT] in the bug name . This will signify that the bug is filed for the 7.0 version of the IDE.
  • Add lots of information about the bug so that anyone can reproduce that bug.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

WordPress Installation Under Windows

It is always beneficial for installing the wordpress locally under windows. This is useful to prepare your blog easily before you put it live and most important thing is that it can be prepared locally. Another advantage of the same is for making your blog look more beautiful and install more plugins for your blog.
Here I will tell you the steps which will be helpful for you to install wordpress under windows.  For installation you will require different tools such as wordpress and XAMPP server. This setup will hardly require 10 minutes.

  • Get yourself a XAMPP server and download the exe version of it. Double click on the installation and extract it to c drive.

          After extraction, in a dos window, you would be asked for setup, perform that.

    • Once installation is complete, then run XAMPP server, double click xampp-control.exe . It will look like following :

              Start Apache and MySql services by clicking on start button.

    • After starting the services, Click on Admin button (next to Apache’s service start button) select your preferred language.

    • After selection of the language, click on phpMyAdmin(on the left column).

    • In create new database text box, enter wordpress and select utf8_unicode_ci in theMySql connection collation drop down box. Click on create button. Your XAMPP setup is now complete.

    Wordpress Installation :
    • Download Wordpress and extract it under c:\xampplite\htdocs.

    • Make sure that you have a wordpress folder under c:\xampplite\htdocs.  Browse to this folder, searh for a file named wp-config-sample.php. Open it in any text editor and replace the default values by the ones you see under this paragraph. After making changes, save the file

    // ** MySQL settings ** //
    define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database
    define('DB_USER', 'root'); // Your MySQL username
    define('DB_PASSWORD', ''); // enter your mysql password, and if you haven’t installed any                          before than do not change anything.
    ('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // do not change anything here

    • Enter all the details setup during XAMPP installation such as database name, uname and password and then click on submit.
    •   Congratulations you are done with the installation of the wordpress.

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    Oracle Netbeans Platform Training

    Oracle conducted NetBeans Platform training on 27th and 28th nov at Infospectrum, nagpur. There were total 17  developers who attended the meet from nagpur, India.

    The training was given by Geertjan Wielenga, Principal Product Manager, Oracle Inc through skype and webex. The training was being conducted simultaneously in India, Canada and TOGO. It was the awesome training we had for two days to get familiar with the netbeans platform.

    I am really thankful to sir Tushar Joshi, founder and leader of NUG nagpur group for organizing this wonderful training and also sir Geertjan Wielenga, who spent his valuable time for this training in-spite of the busy schedule in weekend.

    The day 1 of training was about netbeans platform introduction and architecture with some of the examples. The next day we learned the basics about other apis which can be used in netbeans platform for enhancing the application functionality and also how modular our application can be made using the netbeans.
    This training for me was really awesome. Even though I attended the training late, but whatever i attended was really a great help for me to carry on and explore the platform more. And i understood the concepts told by sir.

    Here you can find the experience of other members on this training.
    Ameya, AtulHrushikesh,

    here are the pics of the training :

    Group Photo

    My next goal is to be a netbeans certified engineer. This can be done by creating a small plugin in the netbeans platform.

    Guys if you are really passionate about the netbeans platform and want training on this platform,  join NUG Nagpur group and be active on our mailing list.
    Nugnagpur is ready to welcome all the passionate users for the netbeans.

    Monday, November 8, 2010


    NetBeans Community Acceptance Testing program (NetCAT)  

    Is a testing initiative by Netbeans IDE community. The goal of this program is to get active NetBeans community members involved in testing the NetBeans IDE development builds. We just have to provide feedback on product usability, quality and performance. In return, these volunteers are given an opportunity to significantly influence the quality of NetBeans IDE.

    For more information, visit the Netcat site

    It is a good opportunity for us to actually get through the Netbeans code and work on it to improve the quality of the Netbeans IDE.

    Reading on this netcat program, I was attracted with this testing program and decided to contribute in netcat. I dint know how to and where to start from and I am really thankful to Tushar Joshi sir, who helped me and guided me for this program.

    So to start with the testing program, we first need to know the test cases which are given to us for testing . The test cases for all the versions of Netbeans are given here : Test cases for all Netbeans versions. But All the testcases specific for Netbeans 7.0 are here.

    Now the question arises that how to test netbeans? You can test netbeans for the given test specifications and other than those test specifications on the daily nightly build version of netbeans.

    You can find and download the nightly build version of netbeans from site. Here is the link : Nightly Build Netbeans.

    I’ll keep on telling you my experience on it soon as I come across a new things.

    Friday, October 22, 2010

    Code Templates in Netbeans

    The code template feature of netbeans allows us to quickly write the frequently used code.

    It is like the abbreviation that gets expanded to its long form on using that abbreviation. So in this article I will tell you some of the code templates that are already defined in the Netbeans, which are frequently used and the one which are useful and I will also tell you how to create our own code templates.

    Before knowing the default code templates in Netbeans, we should first know how to use the code templates.
    So suppose we want to use the code template for Boolean.  The abbreviation used is bl. So to write Boolean we just need to write bl and then press TAB. So as soon as TAB is pressed, the Netbeans will write the complete Boolean word for you.  

    Netbeans is an intelligent editor which on expanding automatically identifies the variable on which the code is to be written. For example for the” for each” loop, the abbreviation used is fore. So whenever fore and TAB is pressed, it will automatically write the for each loop for you and it will automatically find the the variables for which you are writing that loop. So it is an intelligent  editor.

    Here are some of the code templates :
    • en = Enumeration
    • ex =Exception
    • ob = object
    • pf = public final
    • pfm = this will write the method structure as :
                Public final void method()
    • pm = this expand the abbreviation as
                    Public void method
    • ps=public static
    • psf public static final
    • st = String
    • al = to create a new array list.
    • bl = Boolean
    • br =break
    • dowhile = it will expand this abbreviation for do while loop
    • for = for loop
    • fore = for each loop
    • trycatch = it will expand it to try catch block
    • psvm= this will write main method.
    • sout = this will expand to “System.out.println(“”);
    • soutv=this is used when we want to print the values of variables. So this will be expanded to
                    So this will automatically take the variable name and will write the code as above.

    So these were the templates already present in Netbeans. Now suppose we want to create our own templates. So how to do? How to create our own templates.
    I will show you how to create it.

    Go to Tools->options.
    No go to editor tab and then select code template.
    The window will look like :

             (click on image to enlarge)

    This will show you the list of all the code templates present.
    Now to add the new template, click on new and enter the abbreviation. And click on OK. Now in the expanded text area, write the code you want to be expand on writing that abbreviation.
     Below you can see a combo box named “Expand template on”. This combo box lets you decide when to expand the text. Here default tab is selected. This means that whenever you will press TAB, your abbreviated code will be expanded.
    Click on Ok to save the newly created template.

    Saturday, October 16, 2010

    Selecting the browser for web application in Netbeans.

    By default, whenever we run the web application in netbeans, it chooses the system selected default web browser for running the web application. But there may b case where we need to test a particular web application on some other browser other than the default one.

    So following will help you to choose the particular browser for testing web application.

    Go to Tools -> options. You will see the following dialogue box:

    Now click on the “web browser “ combo box to see the list of the browsers installed and available to chose.

    Select the desired browser and  click on OK.

    You can also specify the arguments if u want to give along with the broser. Click on “edit” button besides web browser combo box. Here is the screenshot of it :

    now just run you web application and you will see that you web application is opened in the browser you have selected. ::)